1 Insecurity Lewdity Stats The default Lewd Statistics for a fresh start. The town - that does not have a name - is the main setting of Degrees of Lewdity, and where the majority of the game's content will take place. Lewd Statistics completely maxed out. Degrees of Lewdity Wiki dumped with WikiTeam tools. A mod revived by Wub that primarily expands upon the world of Degrees of Lewdity. Excludes hotfixes (i. The waterfall Degrees of Bizarre Lewdity Wiki? Is there a wiki for the JoJo mod so I don't have to waste people's time whenever I can't figure something out or will I just have to ask this subreddit every time I get confused? This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 7 2 2 comments Best geminielixir • 8 mo. Based in a post-apocalyptic America, Apocalyptia will include a huge tile based overworld map, factions, radioactive environments, player mutation, ancient city ruins. Also add a gamemode that allows you to murder random NPCs, which is great. 70 commits. Failed to load latest commit information. Keep it civil: Do not make personal attacks on other people. 2, . Description. 2. Power: 6 - Can hurt slightly more than a human with regular attacks. 게임의 내용은 어떤 고아가 꿈도 희망도 없는 세계에서 살아남기 위해 별별 짓을 하거나 당하는 것이다. ago Jojo's Bizarre Adventure crossover with Degrees of Lewdity. yuhbabeh. 3. Sprite created by Hero. 설치법 (PC/JoiPlay) [편집] 1. An *almost* always up-to-date collection of mods for Degrees of Lewdity designed to allow you to play from *any* device. Keep it civil: Do not make personal attacks on other people. A complete overhaul of Degrees of Lewdity. By the creator's wishes, the mod has been deleted and is no longer accessible to the public. Community Links. 2020 January 2020 Jan 02 - Degrees of Lewdity 0. 2. 9 MiB Project Storage See master degrees-of-lewdity Find file README Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4. Speed: 6 - Moves slightly faster than the regular human. 3. Degrees of Bizarre Lewdity created! Main changes: Pain reduction by time was reduced by a third of what it used to be. Degrees of Bizarre Lewdity Wiki? Is there a wiki for the JoJo mod so I don't have to waste people's time whenever I can't figure something out or will I just have to ask this subreddit every time I get confused? This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 7 2 2 comments Best geminielixir • 8 mo. Love and Lust are two stats that all love interests share, with Whitney possessing a unique stat dedicated to them: "Dominance. 7 Q: Would you add Gold Experience Requiem/The World: Over Heaven? 1. A mod revived by Wub that primarily expands upon the world of Degrees of Lewdity. The wiki's moderators are listed here: Wiki Administrators. All original sprites. Please download files in this item to interact with them on your computer. 2 Q: What does this mod add? 1. 2. Degrees of Lewdity however does not follow. Below is a suggested set of rules to follow when editing this wiki. Typically this covers things from debug menus to unused graphics, music, or levels - not meant to be seen by anyone else but the developers themselves. This mod, originally created by Gay Racoon and continued by FadedLines adds support for transgender PCs and related content. 0 is out: Developer's Note: "The new area. Pain relieves overtime, but with a slight difference to the base game: Normal characters will have 1 point of pain reduced for every 3 minutes, instead of every minute. 4 Weapons Skills 3 Miscellaneous 3. Overview. If you need to criticize another user’s argument, do so without attacking them as a person. After that, the Stand will take form based on some aspects of the character's personality (namely one of their skills and, most of the time. Link: Community Links All links dedicated to the game's community, in the form of useful guides as well as other ways of engaging with the community. Power: 10 - At max power, a single punch could kill a regular human being, smashing its skull or piercing through its body. Haven't seen Jojo, but I've played this mood for a couple of weeks and it's 10/10. You look down. 설치법 (PC/JoiPlay) [편집] 1. An *almost* always up-to-date collection of mods for Degrees of Lewdity designed to allow you to play from *any* device. Than they look at you, eyes creepily glowing in the darkness, accompanied by a sick smile that cuts through your soul with a sharp pain. You run after, but every step taken seem to apart you even more. Official Discord - The official Discord server for the aforementioned game. 제목인 Degrees of Lewdity 는 한글로 굳이 번역하면 '외설의 정도 [3] '쯤 되지만 좀 이상하고 어차피 Lewdity 라는 단어가 원래 영어에 없는 단어이기도 하고 해서 그냥 원문을 줄여 DoL, 한글로 그대로 읽어 돌겜이라고도 부른다. miraheze. Haven't seen Jojo, but I've played this mood for a couple of weeks and it's 10/10. More information to come. yuhbabeh. Link:. (the other one being Star). Degrees-of-Bizarre-Lewdity. 게임의 내용은 어떤 고아가 꿈도 희망도 없는 세계에서 살아남기 위해 별별 짓을 하거나 당하는 것이다. Destructive Power: C /5. Description Home to many unique residents, including lust-crazed ones, pervert, freak. 4 Weapons Skills 3 Miscellaneous 3. 1. 1 Main Skills 2. In the settings, go to the "general" section. master. You can access the cheats in the side-bar thingy. 제목인 Degrees of Lewdity 는 한글로 굳이 번역하면 '외설의 정도 [3] '쯤 되지만 좀 이상하고 어차피 Lewdity 라는 단어가 원래 영어에 없는 단어이기도 하고 해서 그냥 원문을 줄여 DoL, 한글로 그대로 읽어 돌겜이라고도 부른다. 5 Jojo's Bizarre adventure in DOL Play Source Mod Wiki Download The Backrooms Game Version: 0. Managed by Rukarin. The town - that does not have a name - is the main setting of Degrees of Lewdity, and. Advanced users only. 7. Keep it civil: Do not make personal attacks on other people. Hamon, vampirism, and Stands work as transformations in the game, with small differences. Public. 개요 [편집] Degrees of Lewdity is an erotic game. Lewdity Stats are the primary focus. Maybe you can choose between living in a normal apartment by the orphanage (increases a little bit of trauma everyday) or a nicer apartment (decreases stress) and if you have high enough love, you can live with the older characters, specifically Avery. Degrees-of-Bizarre-Lewdity. It is a continuation of the now abandoned not-so-premium mod. Surprisingly, second learned ability: " The helmet armor won't have a visor with it unless it's absolutely necessary. GitHub - yuhbabeh/Degrees-of-Bizarre-Lewdity: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Mod for Degrees of Lewdity. master. Provide as much vital information as you can! This wiki guide contains the rules and guidelines for the wiki. Do not use bigoted language, including. Degrees-of-Bizarre-Lewdity. 1 Sensitivity 3. Degrees of Bizarre Lewdity: Hamon vs Vampire? Alright, so I finally (after getting off my lazy butt) decided to check out the mod of Bizarre Lewdity. At the bottom, there should to be the option to enable cheats. 9 Q: How do I meet Jotaro? 2. 1 Q: Why was the mod deleted? 1. org History Back to the main page For more information about what "Stands" are, visit Stand This section is incomplete. A: In a quick sum, lots of JoJo-themed additions following the game's design. Game Version: 0. Speed: A /8. If you need to criticize another user’s argument, do so without attacking them as a person. 1 branch 0 tags. Star has the common characteristic of a fighting Stand, high physical power and speed. 2 Insecurity + Acceptance 3. If still in the game's code, counts as unused. This includes the backrooms, SCP, mystery flesh pit, and more. Includes new skills, locations, NPCs, jobs, transformations and other miscellaneous changes. It is an ability-only type Stand, meaning it can only apply its ability in combat as opposed to taking physical actions. Administrators of this wiki should read these rules and adapt them as necessary. 해당 게임을 무단으로 퍼가는 모 사이트에서는 념글야겜이라고 부르기도 한다. In fact, Star is tied to the highest power Stand in the game. The game has strong sexual themes, and lots of sex in general. Vrelnir의 블로그 에서 영문버전 다운로드 후 압축해제 2. Nameless Stand has overall medium stats, representing not being good nor bad at anything. Show all files A complete overhaul of Degrees of Lewdity. Failed to load latest commit information. They don't degrade over time. Degrees of Bizarre Lewdity Wiki? Is there a wiki for the JoJo mod so I don't have to waste people's time whenever I can't figure something out or will I just have to ask this subreddit every time I get confused? This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast comments. Public. 2. View a full list of the game's various updates, starting from 2020 onwards, to 2021, and up to the most recent updates in 2022. Show all files Adds the dragon transformation to the game, which provides a number of benefits such as safe fast travel across town, as well as the lizard tf and the nephilim tf. /. Human pregnancies can lead to up to 3 children, chances are increased with fertility pills. Day/night cycle changed from 15h(6-21 or 6AM-9PM)/9h(21-6 or 21PM-6AM) to 13h(7-20 or 7AM-8PM)/11(20-7 or 8PM-7AM). 5. Range: D /2. Warning! Spoilers ahead! If you haven't experienced those in the game or haven't seen them in the works (both show and manga), you might want to get out of here! Insert image here Current List Of Stands GitGud - Contains the official Degrees of Lewdity code repository. Gold has the usual characteristics of the Tending Stands; close-ranged with a useful ability, but mediocre strength. Degrees of Bizarre Lewdity Wiki? Is there a wiki for the JoJo mod so I don't have to waste people's time whenever I can't figure something out or will I just have. With it, you can use a powered up left and right punch that heals. A mod revived by Wub that primarily expands upon the world of Degrees of Lewdity. A complete overhaul of Degrees of Lewdity. 3 Q: How do I become a Vampire? 1. Vrelnir의 블로그 에서 영문버전 다운로드 후 압축해제 2. It is currently the only Stand which can be awakened based on a School skill. Degrees of Lewdity Wiki dumped with WikiTeam tools. with low reaching range. Jojo's Bizarre adventure in DOL. Added spirits to machine fights, with some tweaks. It is best to read these before making any edits or contributions. ago Dominance, Love and Lust. /. Administrators of this wiki should read these rules and adapt them as necessary. Modding Discord - A dedicated gathering hub for the various mods created for the game. 3 and 4. 2. With it, you can use a powered up left and right punch that heals you, a powered up kick that heals you, and an incredibly powerful attack meant to be used by both hands at the same time. Lewd Statistics completely maxed out. Go to school and find honest work, turn to a life of crime, or sell your body in more carnal ways. Durability: D /2. 2 Sexual Skills 2. 2. Below is a suggested set of rules to follow when editing this wiki. You can access the cheats in the side-bar thingy. 0 International CHANGELOG GitHub - yuhbabeh/Degrees-of-Bizarre-Lewdity: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Mod for Degrees of Lewdity. Based in a post-apocalyptic America, Apocalyptia will include a huge tile based overworld map, factions,. The Great Hawk then catches up to the player and starts flying them around the moor. Happy new year! GitGud - Contains the official Degrees of Lewdity code repository. If you're having trouble looking for a specific event/character/anything else, use the Search bar at the top-right corner, or otherwise search by Categories. The player will struggle to start flying as they fall, awkwardly beating their wings for some time before momentarily blacking out due to the panic. Below is a suggested set of rules to follow when editing this wiki. Two new locations: the Bunker and the Gym, both tied to defiant/aggressive actions. Advanced users only. :) An *almost* always up-to-date collection of mods for Degrees of Lewdity designed to allow you to play from *any* device. 4 A horror expansion for DOL using scary and grotesque stories from the internet. Administrators of this wiki should read these rules and adapt them as necessary. Precision: D /3. Door, also known as Heaven's Door, is an English skill Stand which does not have a Submissiveness requirement to awaken. Range: 4 - Can move away from its user up to approximately 5 meters, its power Degrees of Lewdity Wiki Wiki Guidelines From Degrees of Lewdity Wiki This is a community effort, and should not be done by one person alone. 13. This collection is always growing and even features completely automatic updates to many of the mods hosted here. This includes the backrooms, SCP, mystery flesh pit, and more. Pain will be relieved faster. Also, there's Degrees of Bizarre lewdity, which is like a mixture of Jojo with DOL. 7. 2 Insecurity + Acceptance 3. It is a continuation of the now abandoned not-so-premium mod. Been playing as a Joestar for now, working on trying to get Killer Queen (best cat-themed waifu) as a stand. Enjoy your time on the Degrees of Lewdity wiki!Like you can't be a a vampire with a stand or hamon user with a stand even though in jojo there are instances of both. Characters with 2 Hamon prowess will have 1 point of pain reduced for every 2 minutes, as well as characters with 6 Hamon prowess will have 1 point of pain reduced every minute. Otherworldly creatures now lose their ability to heal fast if their exclusive stat is 1200 or higher. I actually really like the game, and it feels very fun and relaxing to play. You try to call for them, but your voice doesn't work. 1 Main Skills 2. Wolf pregnancies can lead to up to 8 wolf children. Degrees of Bizarre Lewdity: Requiem Game Version: 0. 1 Insecurity Lewdity Stats The default Lewd Statistics for a fresh. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. All links dedicated to the game's community, in the form of useful guides as well as other ways of engaging with the community. 2 Sexual Skills 2. Public.