the lungs got a good. I am brought back to reality upon hearing the judges voice, "After careful consideration, I have decided to grant a divorce to Mr. I wait for him to get here and my eyelids slowly start to droop and I doze off into blackness. She is deranged. Fifty Shades Abandoned – Chapter Nineteen Reaching up, Ana immediately pulled the cool flannel from her head and found her husband leaning over her, his grey eyes swarmed. Same theme and relationships as in After the Boathouse and no cheating. "Great, dinner and a show!" I say entering the room and walking up to Ana placing a soft kiss on her cheek. She easily forgives all abuse given by idiots and has a core of steel that includes training in Tai Chi and. He took over the family business from Carrick. Also, Mr. Fifty Shades Trilogy - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Chapters: 5 - Words: 15,799 - Reviews: 36 -. She found a reason to hope but will hope be enough to save. Fifty Shades Forgotten by WeAreJorus ** I can’t form the words. Give it a couple of days more. Ana felt a powerful emotion stirring in her chest, and she clenched her jaw tightly - the lie Lily had told the others was despicable, since it was clearly done out of selfishness for saving her own ass. Enjoy! Takes place, a few weeks after Christian and Ana break up at the end of 50 Shades of Grey. Ana was laying out the glasses for wine while Mrs. "I'll get you something for the pain. Books Fifty Shades Trilogy. I’ll fall apart a…"Yes, Ana?" Grace asks politely. THAT CRAZY BITCH I'M GOING TO KILL HER. "That'll be all Mrs. By: Muffinpie123. Fifty Shades Of Hurt Chapter 1, a fifty shades trilogy fanfic | FanFiction FanFiction | unleash your imagination Browse Stories Anime Books Cartoons Comics Games Misc. I don't want my little angel to get sick too. I could tell Ana was very nervous now. Summary: After an unexpected meeting and a wonderful spontaneous weekend together, reality hits Anastasia hard. It's only three in the afternoon and even. Follow/Fav 50 shades of hurt. Rage surged thru my body as I watch the untamed woman before shoot the woman I love. I don’t want to. Glancing at the clock I feel a pang of guilt flashing through my body. I'm going home. "I can't believe we waited this long to buy dresses," Mia groaned as we entered the boutique in down town Seattle. Characters: Ana Steele = our strong-minded and weak-willed at times heroine, that includes her Conscience, Inner Goddess and Sub-Conscience ladies. I can’t accept it. Jones," I say excusing her. 50 shades of hurt Chapter 1, a fifty shades trilogy fanfic | FanFiction 50 shades of hurt By: Muffinpie123 Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Christian G. Theodore Raymond Grey. Ana is into trying new things and exacting revenge on certain bitch trolls. Chapter 1. "Don't be silly, Ana. Damages Chapter 1, a fifty shades trilogy fanfic | FanFiction FanFiction | unleash your imagination Browse Stories Anime Books Cartoons Comics Games Misc. " With her usual smile she turns to leave and reminds me before walking out. Hyde may have come back for me my subconscious torments me. Christian looks at me like I'm about to break or something. I know her doing this was in no way your fault. Christian Trevelyan Grey and Mrs. I couldn't stop myself I dove to hold her to keep her awake to keep her with me but it was too late. This is a continuation of alex-in-w0nderland's story 'Old Habits of Ana' so please go check out the. ~*~*~ I'd agreed to ride with Christian to Jose's art show. One thing that could be said for hysterical crying. Grey Steele fan is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world. This is my interpretation of what happened after Fifty Shades Freed. Love, hurt, hate, sadness, anger. "Call me is you need anything Ana. " He scorns. I took a deep breath. Ease. New recommendations will be added as they are received. I painfully swivel on my feet, terrified of who I may find. " I say and end the call. Anastasia Rose Grey. Ana hit the ground and began bleeding out immediately. Christian became CEO of the company, after his father retired. , Anastasia S. Disclaimer: I do not own The Fifty Shades Trilogy or any of it's characters, but I do own, 'To Care and To Be Taken Care Of' and my writing/story should not be used without my permission. Tears begin to fall down my swollen and sore face. Chapter 7 – Hurt APOV That's it. Grey has decided to sign off her parental rights. Summary: Christian was in his private jet, when Mia called to inform him of the horrific news. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 23,520 - Reviews: 157 - Favs: 171 - Follows: 327 - Updated: 1/6/2013 - Published: 8/11/2012 . " "Ana, I'm so sor-" "Christian, please don't apologize. " "Okay. " I hear. He's worried. Grey will get full custody of their first born, Mr. ,. Jones was putting the plates on the table. Chapter 30. I can see the blush filling up around her cheeks. " "Mommy, Daddy said bad word!" "Well, if you two will excuse me, I have a menu to prepare, and I need to get the new maid up to date with the chores. Christian and his security team have been searching for 18 months for Ana and finally they get a lead. "My head, it hurts, a lot," I manage to get out sounding a little better this time. I think to myself. Even though I don't want to take him out of work, there's nothing I wouldn't rather be doing than cuddling up with my fifty. Anastasia Steele. This is due to the fact Mrs. It advertised on the map that it was open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Ana didn't say anything - she looked over at Lily again, and once again Lily looked away, avoiding her gaze. "I'll be there in five minutes. Rated: Fiction M - English - Christian G. "Oh, baby. "Not all of us have the luxury. Christians Pov. xxx [[[]]] xxx. "Kate explains that Ana is a grad student/TA and therefore has office hours which from time to time keep her working on campus after dark, she explains that she was waiting for her to come home as they had plans to go out for dinner this evening, she begins to sob at which point Elliot takes her into his arms and she begins to sob uncontrollably. Hi, you all! This story is set in an alternate universe, where Ana is an engineer. .