Item #12218. Make the base's cutting side about 1 ⁄ 2 " wider than the distance between your saw's blade and the footplate edge below the motor. Which side goes up, smooth or rough? Either is acceptable, but we recommend that the smooth side with the nailing pattern of every 8" on center go up. Generally, the smooth face of OSB panels is the most waterproof, although the rough face can provide some limited water-resistance in certain climates and environments. Coat the pieces as they lay on the tarp, and then let the waterproofing sit to dry for 12 to 14 hours. I am working on a remodel and need to move stuff around to do this and live?Blue Ribbon® OSB Sturd-I-Floor panels contain no core voids, knots or splits and provide a quality base layer for subfloor applications. Cracks and gaps will attract moisture, so sealing them completely is an important step in making sure your floors are entirely waterproofed. This is new construction. But if you're adding another layer of something, make it plywood. When installed smooth side down, the rough surface will then face up and give the worker traction for safety. The floor will be carpeted when complete. One of the joists seemed to twist a little bit, the rest just moved up. The screened surface also provides a little more. . Steps for Leveling a Subfloor. The plywood is nailed down, not screwed, and one idea is to put some screws in and see if that tightens it up. 4 Knock out piece with hammer and smooth with file. Subfloor Plywood Sheathing. It’s important that the subfloor is free of dirt, debris, paint, drywall compound, etc. Once your first row is complete start on the next row. Jose Crammer. Jun 6, 2011. Or, if you do nail it down, and it is an engineered floor, use hardwood tongue and groove flooring glue in the end joints to help minimize movement between boards. too much thinset. Lack of Communication. I am laying hardwood. Basically installing this subfloor is the same concept as installing a subfloor on a concrete slab with exception of anchoring methods. A well written set of instructions will CLEARLY spell out the how and then when. The screws hold down the plywood and the plywood holds down the foam. The first and most obvious step is to clean the OSB floor. This means the rough side will face up which provides better traction for the worker. The letters A, B, C and D typically refer to the. I’ve heard of workers sliding off of roofs because of uninformed or careless roof sheathing installers putting the smooth side up. This includes dirt and dust. the THICKNESS of the subfloor will depend on the. I have AC grade plywood (All the store had besides sheathing and OSB), so one side is sanded completely smooth (Or close to it) while the other side has some knots and it a bit rougher. 1 Step 1: Clean and measure the area. SUB-FLOOR. Below is a quick guide on the installation of DITRA over OSB. You don’t need. 1 Walking on Ditra before Tiling. APA Sturd-I-Floor 24 oc Exposure 1 T&G or APA Rated Sheathing 48/24 Exposure 1 (for joists spaced 24 inches o. OSB is also frequently used for the subfloor layer. The A/C grade means that one side is finished smoothly while the other side is relatively rough (this is usually the bottom side). A flat head screwdriver is great for popping up those staples: Back to addressing the high spot. Place the first sheet over the mortar bed. When used as wall sheathing, that side should be against the studs. You put a smooth side up on a roof and you are going ice skating. If you have a drum sander on hand, this can level out any bumps in the subfloor, but you need to have a steady hand to control this. 5. Continue installing sheets of plywood across the room, attaching them to the floor joists in the same way. OSB & Panels; Canada; Products. Yes, you can add another 1/2" layer. (or screen) side up. A belt sander sporting a coarse-grit belt will knock down seams pretty fast, but you may have to rent a commercial floor sander to grind down severe peaks. A subfloor is a layer intended to provide structural support. Joists are spaced on 24". Plywood and OSB come in 4 x 8-foot sheets that are typically 3/4 inch thick. Underlayment panels should be installed with the long direction, or strength axis, perpendicular to floor joists, never parallel to the subfloor seams. No sags. While this is important on new construction I doubt it makes much difference when used in an already. OSB panels are usually identified on the smooth face or the back side of. c. CA Residents: Prop 65 Warning (s) Prop65 Warning Label PDF. The right kinds are even dense enough to support a plywood subfloor without any supporting wooden strips underneath. Repeat the process. as those little blemishes will show through the vinyl. Seal with Silicone. For example, if you install resilient tiles or sheet flooring over a subfloor, any bumps, dips, or voids in the subfloor may be evident in the finished flooring. Osb Oriented Strand Board Plywood Sheathing. x 47. Originally Posted By: mkober This post was automatically imported from our archived forum. Waferboard is generally far less expensive than plywood. Lightly sanding the panel edges to remove the. OSB also has stamping that reads “This Side Down”. Today’s vinyl floors show every imperfection so nail holes and sunken. Use a staple gun to insert 1/4-inch crown staples every 6 inches across the plane of the luan panel and every 2 inches along the edges. OSB should be installed with the slick side inside on walls and roofs and fuzz up on floors. “This Side Down” is stamped there for a definite SAFETY reason. Use aPlywood and OSB subfloors are typically 5/8 inch thick with a tongue-and-groove edge. I have cut and fitted an 3/4 OSB subfloor, with. Easily recognized by their green edge seal, each Edge™ panel is uniform in size to allow easy installation, minimal. For OSB type products, the grade stamp will (usually) tell you which side is "up" or "down. Step 5. As a joist bends downward, the lower edge bends slightly to one side or the other. Step 3: Fill in low spots with shingles and construction felt. Traditional hardwood flooring is 3/4-inch thick and carpet with pad is usually between 5/8 and 1 inch, depending on the type. x 4 ft. The layer attached directlly to the top of the joists is called the subfloor. I’m thinking of adding a layer of 1/2′ or 5/8″ OSB on top of the 3/4″ T&G after the roof is on, which should be mid-next week. Trim the guide to custom-fit your saw by running the footplate against the fence to create the zero-clearance support. Walk gently on the panels to set them into the thin-set. Also, the nailing lines are always on the rough side and the stamps on the smooth side. (Do not glue down a solid floor). When installed smooth side down, the rough side faces up which provides more traction for safety. Apply it as thinly as possible. An option, as isherwood points out, is to pull the subfloor and sister the joists and get the joists perfect then re-install the osb. On the plus side, osb is a more consistent product. With OSB, you can try sanding or planing the are, and then support the thin places from underneath, between the joists. I use Weyehouser OSB which has lines at 16"o. True, that, A. Well, I have decided to replace the damaged piece of subfloor, either just the one worst 2' x 2' section or perhaps two 2'x 2' sections. Although, manufacturers' data sheets for both types of thin-set. Subfloor Irregularities. Since particle board is crap, two layers of OSB is much better. We recently moved into a new 3-story townhome 4 months ago and are under warranty. ;. See moreFraming, Flooring and Sub-Flooring - OSB sub-floor smooth or rough side up? - Hey gang, Renovating a bathroom. Structurally, OSB and plywood are very similar in strength and ability to hold. Install additional luan panels the. A-grade plywood is ideal for furniture or cabinet doors. To install the membrane, start by scraping any old adhesive off the subfloor and cleaning the floor with a vacuum and a damp rag. After you've done that, apply one or two coats of oil-based primer. Not Gluing the Tongue-and-Groove: Applying a small bead of glue in the tongue-and-groove can significantly help reduce any movement and noise. Here’s a look at seven common mistakes with I-joist installation—and how to prevent them. In addition, this writing helps. It doesn't make any difference from a structural standpoint. The subfloor is nailed to the joists, but if it becomes loose or warped, it can cause squeaky floors. We are in process of installing new nail-down solid bamboo floors in the first floor of our home. The next step here is to simply apply the primer using either a paint roller or a paintbrush. The gap should be 1/8" between ends. The side of the membrane that faces the subfloor has a fabric backing for better adhesion to the thinset. I-joists are 16″ oc. ). A layer of 3/4-in. plywood subfloor sheathing over the lumber decking. The answer is that it depends on what you're using to stick down the tiles. Voluntary Product Standard PS2. Always install the smooth side facing upward. Remove baseboard trim from around the edges of the walls and then remove your existing finish flooring until you get down to the wood subfloor. Next, you will need to place the foam board insulation between each joist as a test. then walk on them as much as you can. All panel edges should be staggered at least 2 inches to the subfloor seams for increased stability. It's construction is similar to that of Plywood, with opposing-orientation of wood fibres that creates rigidity and strength. Carefully turn the wood over, and coat any remaining surfaces. I am now getting ready to sheath the roof of our new house and am thinking. Strength, stability and moisture resistance for you floor systems. Cutting open an edge exposes the core of the board to moisture and can weaken it. I’ve heard of workers sliding off of roofs because of uninformed or careless roof sheathing installers putting the smooth side up. OSB has superb load-bearing properties, excellent cross dimensional stability and an attractive wood patterned finish. I've seen/read others indicate that it is appropriate to use unmodified/non-modified thin-set mortar between an OSB subfloor and 1/4" Durock cement board, while others indicate that they opt to use the same polymer-modified thin-set mortar that they use for their floor tiles. Panel that is easy to cut, drill and nail for projects not requiring structural panels. Good for high humidity areas. 37 times as stiff as the 3/4". It is also something that does not like being nailed into (it LOVES to shrink and cause loose nails = NOISY floors. I know it seems like a smooth surface and it seems like it may fix some of the issues with the concrete floor but don’t do it. Use a wet-vac to vacuum up dust and debris. Join Date: Mar 2005. Let the floor leveler dry overnight or as indicated by the manufacturer. Is this going to cause a problem or should I remove and re-attach. The smooth side, which is created from a wax-coated resinous material, is the side that should always go down. Shop AdvanTech 23/32-in x 4-ft x 8-ft Osb (Oriented Strand Board) Subfloorundefined at Lowe's. 23/32-in x 4-ft x 8-ft Osb (Oriented Strand Board) Subfloor. It is important to rely on the stamping on OSB as a guide during installation. One side is rough and one side is smooth. On roofs one side is not as smooth and therefore better to walk on. Depending on the brand, some do contain a wax or other water resistant coating. To avoid buckling, subfloor panels should be spaced with a 1/8-inch gap at all edges and ends to provide room for naturally occurring expansion. Should I nail or screw plywood to subfloor? For plywood, wood plank, or OSB subflooring, you can use either nails or screws to secure everything and attach it to the joists underneath. Water-resistant coating or sealant (optional) Caulking gun (optional) Foam brush (optional) Step 1: Measure the gaps and cracks that you need to seal. You simply lay sheets of foam on the basement floor, then fasten 5/8” plywood on top with concrete screws driven into predrilled holes in the floor. Next, cut the joist vertically at the location where the bump is. If there is any movement in the OSB under the epoxy, it is going to cause the epoxy to crack and you will ruin the job. Leave 1/4-inch gaps between all sheets. The most important factor for preparing OSB is to ensure that everything is attached solidly. I put the smooth side out. Allow a 1/4-inch gap between the edges of the sheets and all surrounding walls. If using a battened floating floor, you must ensure that battens are used for the substructure and are appropriately spaced at 400mm centres for 15mm and up to 600mm for 18mm. Not OSB. Plywood underlayment is a second layer of plywood that is installed ON TOP of your plywood or OSB subfloor. Fix'n it · #9 · May 1, 2016. When installing in vertical applications such as wall sheathing,. OSB manufacturers don’t like ambulance-chasing lawyers any more than we do. Apply the Filler (Optional) If you want to smooth down the surface and edges, apply a resin filler coat with a putty knife. but, from what little i can see, you should sand the floor a little. The type of OSB used for subfloors generally is made with tongue. Plywood features a C grade natural birch face with 0. With a limited lifetime warranty and 500-day no-sanding guarantee, AdvanTech® flooring is the flooring panel that more builders trust. Just got off the Weyerhaeuser comment/question site and an answer to this question (relating to OSB, not plywood, however) is that the "this side down" is there so the stamp can be seen from below so inspectors know what was put down on the floor. Regardless of which side faces out during installation, you can still expect the same great performance that professionals and do-it-yourselfers have come to expect from USG Durock® Brand Cement Board. If you noticed, I said most. , if desired, and to achieve a professional-looking finish. Plywood, (before being stained, sealed, or painted), will always need to be sanded down first. On the last row of plywood, rip-cut the sheets to fit the remaining gap, leaving a 1/4-inch gap around the wall. I’ve heard of workers sliding off of roofs because of uninformed or careless roof. Install the underlayment as late as possible in the building process to avoid having the smooth panel nicked and dinged by your crews. The side stamped “This Side Down” is typically the smooth side. A low cost, multi-purpose panel ideal for non-structural applications. Step 3 – Apply the Top Coat. This is because the wax-coated side helps to protect against moisture and water damage, which can occur when water penetrates the surface of the wood. The sheets are typically 4 by 8 or 4 by 12 feet in size. So, I researched this. OSB manufacturers don’t like ambulance-chasing lawyers any more than we do. Using a caulk gun and silicone seal, fill the seams between the floor and the wall. Stevee-He used a 1/4 x 3/8 trowel instead of a 3/16 v-notch, i. However,structurally there is no difference in how the panel will perform whether the side with. The vertical dimension is what you would call depth in a beam or joist. Leave 1/4 –inch space between the cut edges and the wall. T&G OSB Subfloor (Common: 23/32 in. This is mostly for roofers so that they lay the smooth side down and can stand on the rough side facing up. . Any wood defects have been repaired with synthetic filler, so the veneer can be painted. 1. Secure Backer Board with Screws. The panels may also be laid on a diagonal or perpendicular angle, with 1/8” spacing between sheets. 2 Step 2: Spread the Ditra on the surface. I've personally used OSB outdoors in this way, purely as temporary shutteri. Using Ditra Xl over OSB subfloor planning on using natural stone tile. Often 19/32-inch to 1 1/8-inch thick plywood or OSB, the subfloor might run continuously across the joist, or two sections of subfloor may meet on a joist. Its been awhile but that was one of the "benefits" to OSB that was listed on one of the manufacturer's websites. The secret is buying sanded, maple, or birch ply. Drop a few marbles onto the floor in various areas around the room and. Since the 1990s, oriented strand board has proven to be an economical and competitive structural panel, its. The most basic option will be the standard underlayment. Also, by installing the stamps down, the rougher side of the panels is kept upward which helps with worker traction on the jobsite.